Hi everybody,
Been a minute, but things have been going swimmingly on this side of the blog. I've played a bunch of shows, one at Nevin's with Yann M. (check him out a
doubleccrroossss.blogspot.com) and that was sick. Last week I was at Zentra, and a lot of people came out, thanks for the support.
ON to bigger things, you need to start listening to Freestyle now, right now. You probably have listened to a ton but had no idea.
This will explain it better than I can, but anyways, it's dope and will make you shake it. I played a ton of that and early 90's house on my show last night. It was an all vinly/cd mix, no computer this time, which was a lot of fun.

Check me out at the Hundo on Thursday the 8th. I'm gonna be in the mayfest DJ battle for a spot to play at Dillo Day.
Joints, Jams, and Jawns 5-1-08: Freestyle!!!!!